Warm at -25 F...
It was the cold, not the winds that challenged us above treeline. The temperature was a mind numbing, teardrop freezing minus 10 degrees F in the day and a minus 25 degrees F at night. Pretty cold by anyone’s measure, however, we slept warm in the down bags that I had made. In the over 100 nights that I have slept in snow, I really have yet to be cold.

I had just finished my PhD and was a research scientist at NASA.
I had bought a new nylon tent and backpack, but with the application of a little “science”, I knew that I could do better. I hand made my first down jacket, down pants a shell parka and a winter bag. After seeing my gear, my mountaineering club friends all wanted me to custom make gear for them.
And so I did - Gryphon Gear® was born!